The Del Walmsley Radio Show

M-F 11AM-12PM

Listen to Del Walmsley weekdays at 11am on KLZ 560 Radio! Streaming online or the KLZ 560 App. After reading about Del Walmsley – Lifestyles Unlimited®, read a message from Del himself!

Since 1990 Lifestyles Unlimited® is the premier education and mentoring group for real estate investors. Since 1990, we have been teaching our program to both beginning and advanced investors.

Real Estate Investing Workshop Attendees
We mentor on all forms of residential real estate, from single family homes to apartment complexes with hundreds of units. Many of our members have never owned investment real estate before. We guide members step-by-step through property locating, evaluating, negotiating, financing, closing, rehabbing, leasing, and managing.

Our mission is to teach our members how to supplement or replace their earned income with passive income, thereby reducing their dependence on jobs, pensions, social security, and savings programs like IRAs and 401(k)s.


We are unique in providing individual, customized mentoring, through “The Natural Progression of the Real Estate Investor”. We use real estate to build wealth, passive income, and financial freedom

80% of the millionaires in the United States achieved much of their wealth using real estate as their main vehicle. Every dollar put into a piece of real estate makes money in 6 ways translating into rates of return over 100%: Equity capture, Equity build-up, Forced appreciation, Market appreciation, Cash flow, Tax advantage.

Our program is based on the experience of successful investors
Our powerful and extensive program is the result of the personal experiences of thousands of real estate investors whose constant efforts have led to its continuing improvement and effectiveness. We will help you overcome whatever reason, excuse, or fear that has kept you from taking the necessary actions to succeed.

Husband and Wife at Lifestyles Unlimited® Workshop
We produce hours of real estate investing radio content every week. Every show is available to you via podcast, on your local radio dial, or via online streaming.

Our radio shows are content-heavy; meaning that listeners take away valuable information from every show.
Since we opened our doors in 1990, we’ve grown to become over 40,000 members strong. Our mentors teach the best practices for creating wealth with real estate. Our mentors write how-to articles to educate you on their topic of expertise. You will not find another site with more original articles on real estate investing for free.

A personal letter from our founder Del Walmsley

Two and one-half years after I started investing in real estate, I was able to retire at the age of thirty-four. I tell this not to impress you, but to impress upon you: IF I CAN DO IT, YOU CAN DO IT, TOO! I know you can. How? Because so many other members have used this program as a catalyst to obtain their own little piece of the American dream. But first you are going to have to decide that financial freedom is worth the effort it takes to acquire it.

Looking back to 1990, I find it hard to believe I was working sixty to eighty hours a week at a job that offered neither emotional fulfillment nor financial independence. Trading time for money, I was too busy earning a living to have a life. Clinging to the erroneous beliefs that if I worked hard, saved my money, and invested it wisely, I would get ahead someday. I was constantly trying to convince myself that I was doing the best I could, but deep down inside knowing it wasn’t true! Though I was hoping and wishing for my life to change, I was too afraid to do something about it.

I would have probably continued this way had I not lost my entire life’s savings in the 1989 stock market crash which nearly forced me into bankruptcy. I was physically, emotionally, and financially destroyed. It was then that I made the most important decision of my life: THE DECISION TO RISK EVERYTHING IN ORDER TO BECOME FINANCIALLY FREE. I wanted desperately to buy back my life from corporate America, to own my own time, to control my future, and to do whatever I desired with my life.

This bold statement not only became my definition of Financial Freedom, but my goal in life as well. I was driven mercilessly toward success, and I allowed myself no compromises, no excuses, and no retreat. I realized that only when you are willing to let go of who you are can you become something new– and only by becoming someone new can you have something different in your life. And to have what I wanted in life meant that I had to become a real estate investor.

It is a commonly reported and acknowledged statistic that about eighty percent of the millionaires in this country made their fortunes through real estate investing. But what is not usually emphasized is the fact that real estate investing is not a get-rich-quick scheme, but a powerful business that requires patience and persistence. In order to become successful in this business you must treat it as a business. That is why this program not only gives you current, detailed information, but also the personal, hands-on help that is so important to the success of any new venture. The instructors who will be helping you personally are active, experienced investors. They will be teaching you proven business practices that are already being used by many to create financial independence. The commitment that these instructors display is unmatched by any other educational program on the market.

Please do not make the fatal error of believing that you can learn to become financially free without one-on-one, personal help. Without this personal assistance of experienced and successful investors, one simple mistake could cost you thousands of dollars. I realized this personally when I lost $20,000 on the first two homes I purchased after taking an impersonal real estate investing course. That’s why this program is different! We will be with you every step of the way until you have realized your goals.

To succeed in this program you must avoid the defeatist belief that trying is good enough. TRYING IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH! Success is the only acceptable outcome. Success is a process that can be studied and mastered. In this program we will first study and learn the concepts on which all great achievement depends, and then WE WILL TAKE THESE STEPS TOGETHER! We will proceed one step at a time, remembering always that success is a journey, not a destination, and that the real joy in life comes not only from having, but from doing. And once a goal is reached, new ones must be created to keep life interesting and worthwhile.

Success in life is simply the progressive realization of worthy goals. We are all successful at something, but at what are we each successful? You may have heard that IF YOU DON’T PLAN TO SUCCEED, THEN BY DEFAULT YOU PLAN TO FAIL. In other words, if you don’t decide what you want, others will decide for you.

The next ten years of your life will pass quickly. You alone have the ability to decide what your future shall be. If you keep doing what you are doing, you will keep getting what you are getting. If you don’t like what you are getting, then it is time to change and prove to yourself that you sincerely care about your financial future.

I challenge you to take advantage of this remarkable and unique program that will help you in the pursuit of your dreams.

Del Walmsley
Founder & CEO
