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What Books Do KLZ Radio Employees Read?

This month, we at KLZ wanted to dive into the literary worlds of our team members here at Crawford Media Group. As advocates for knowledge and personal growth, we believe that understanding what our colleagues are reading offers invaluable insights into their interests, passions, and perspectives. From the thought-provoking to the purely entertaining, the books our employees are currently engrossed in span a wide spectrum of genres and topics.

At Crawford Media Group, our culture values diversity of thought and encourages continuous learning, making our collective reading list a reflection of our dynamic workforce. From the halls of our headquarters to the airwaves of KLZ Radio, our team members are constantly expanding their minds and enriching their lives through the power of literature.

Whether they’re tuning in to Conservative Talk Radio on 560AM during their commute or winding down with a book after a busy day, our employees are always seeking knowledge and inspiration. So, without further ado, let’s take a peek at what’s on the reading list of our talented team members this month.

Don Crawford, Regional Manager

“Back to the Bible” by Warren Wiersbe

Warren Wiersbe is the former pastor of the Moody Church and general director of radio program, “Back to the Bible.” Because of his encouragement to those in ministry, Dr. Wiersbe is often referred to as “the pastor’s pastor.” I firmly agree. 

In “Truth on its Head,” Wiersbe examines 15 paradoxes of the Christian life – things that seem counterintuitive at first but eventually make good sense. At least that is how I understand the word paradox. Per Wiersbe, “Paradoxes attract our attention, challenge our faith, and provoke us into thinking deeper and asking wiser questions. They lead us into truths that, if we act upon them, will help us to grow out of spiritual childhood and into the blessings of spiritual maturity.”And there is that immense, priceless word, Truth, what Jesus was all about. Thee only Truth, not each individual’s. Not that the Old Testament is wrong, for it is not. It is, however, primarily about the law and doing and sacrifice. While the New is about grace…………..and the ultimate Truth – that He created us for Him, and that no matter how difficult, we are to serve and obey Him, invariably.

Learn more about Truth on its Head by Warren Wiersbe


Liz Franzel, Executive Assistant

“On the Road With the Holy Spirit” by Ken Fish

I have heard several teachings and been personally ministered to by Ken Fish. He is a wealth of knowledge about the Holy Spirit (although no one has even come close to knowing and experiencing Him fully “yet”). Ken travels all over the world and operates in healing, deliverance, signs and wonders that he has had the privilege of seeing the Holy Spirit demonstrate in his meetings. I like this book because it stirs me to want to know more of Who God is and to see more of what the Holy Spirit can do. It’s an easy read because along with Ken’s teachings, most of the book is filled with pages of his journals he has kept recording various meetings and the exciting things that happened in them. I recommend this book to anyone who is hungry to know more of God and to those who want to step out and watch what the Holy Spirit does when you invite Him into your prayer for others (or even for yourself)!

Learn more about On the Road With the Holy Spirit by Ken Fish


Heather Hanger, Office Manager

“The Witch Trials of JK Rowling” Spotify podcast

I’m currently listening to this podcast to gain an understanding of why the liberal left has turned against one of their own. JK Rowling is the author of the Harry Potter series. She is a self-professed liberal, feminist who has recently made statements that have caused a firestorm of hate toward her, labeling her transphobic. Her loyal fan base, including the actors that played her characters in the movies, have distanced themselves from her stating they do not agree with her position on the trans movement. The podcast gives JK Rowling the opportunity to express her point of view and concerns with this agenda as it’s being pushed today. It also gives the other side an opportunity to express their point of view.

Learn more about The Witch Trials of JK Rowling podcast


Mike Triem, General Manager

“Start” by Jon Acuff

Acuff walks the reader through how to “Punch fear in the face” and escape average for awesome. Jon explains the process that used to be the typical stages we would go through in our life, from learning in our 20’s (or in our 30’s, 40’s or 50’s, with a second career) and in every subsequent decade to “editing,” “mastering,” “harvesting,” and finally “guiding.”

He then shares the good news (and also lots of the Good News of Jesus Christ throughout the book) that it’s no longer about when we were born and having to be in our 20’s to learn, or wait until our 50’s to “harvest!” The path to Awesome has some new parameters. The timeline can be much shorter, if we are willing to put in the extra time to achieve our “awesome,” if we will seek out and learn from a mentor or someone in our new pursuit that mastered that area, and if we use the tools that are now available to us to learn more, faster, and promote when we are in that “harvesting” stage of our journey.

Jon Acuff is encouraging, has a great sense of humor (listen to his read of the audio book and see what I mean), and his work in “Start” will help me and you be brutally honest about where we are at in our journey to “Awesome.” At the same time with an unfailing optimism about what is ahead and what it can look like as we escape average for work, life, relationships that matter. For Jesus Christ.

Learn more about START by John Acuff


Crystal Morillon-Castro, Marketing Coordinator

“Praying Grace for Women” by David A. Holland

The book I am reading right now is called “Praying Grace for Women.” (55 Meditations and Declarations for Beloved Daughters of God).

I have enjoyed reading this book because it touches on Biblical Femininity. It touches on how to grow deeper in intimacy with God as God’s daughters. It touches on biblical verses that are helpful for women and how to pray more effectively and how to have a more productive lifestyle all while learning how to rest and finding that balance.

Learn more about Praying Grace for Women by David Holland


Travis Pander, Director of Digital Media

“The Republic” by Plato

“The Republic” by Plato stands as a timeless beacon of philosophical inquiry, delving into the intricacies of justice, governance, and the ideal societal structure. Through a series of dialogues, Plato, via Socrates, explores fundamental questions regarding morality, the essence of the soul, and the formulation of an exemplary state.

Plato’s vision of a just society, epitomized by the concept of the “philosopher-king,” transcends its ancient origins to resonate with contemporary political discourse. His advocacy for governance by wisdom and virtue over mere power or wealth finds echoes in modern conservative political thought, emphasizing the importance of principled leadership and moral integrity in public service.

The hierarchical model proposed by Plato, where individuals are assigned roles according to their abilities, aligns with conservative ideals of meritocracy and individual responsibility. Furthermore, Plato’s allegory of the cave serves as a poignant reminder of the transformative power of education, a principle often championed in conservative approaches to social policy.

While penned over two millennia ago, “The Republic” continues to offer insights that reverberate in today’s political landscape. Its exploration of justice, morality, and societal organization invites reflection on the enduring principles that underpin conservative politics and the timeless quest for a more just and enlightened society.

In terms of contemporary relevance, The Republic continues to be a foundational text in political philosophy and ethics. It prompts discussions on the fundamental nature of justice, the role of education, and the ideal organization of society.  In this reviewer’s opinion, it also shines a burning light on defects of thought in our current society like woke ideology and victim mentality.

Learn more about Plato’s The Republic

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