The Unnatural LGBTQ

Man sexually lying with man. Woman sexually lying with woman. MORALLY WRONG SAYS THE HOLY BIBLE. Dead wrong.
You just simply can’t adopt and engage in the LGBTQ lifestyle and sexual practices and claim to be a Christian following THE WORD OF THE LIVING GOD, the Bible, and its messages of truth, and live an unnatural way. ONE OR THE OTHER! American freedom allows anyone to practice the homosexual lifestyle but Christian freedom, freedom in Christ, does not. Natural biological behavior or, says Jesus Christ:
Harsh words. The LGBTQ community calls it HATE SPEECH. But I call it and believe it to be, as Franklin Graham does, BIBLE SPEECH, the clear message of the Old and New Testaments.
If you claim to be a Christian and as Hebrews 10:26 states clearly, you go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, THERE NO LONGER REMAINS A SACRIFICE FOR SINS. Harsh words, hard words, but the message of truth. It seems clear from a biblical perspective that it is ONE OR THE OTHER, don’t you think?
But not so according to Christian music icon, Amy Grant. According to the GRANT GOSPEL, you can have it both ways. No matter what scripture says. The GRANT GOSPEL and spokesperson Amy Grant, says the following:
So, according to the GRANT GOSPEL, as long as you love God and each other, your neighbor, nothing else matters. There are no other rules, restrictions or truths that matter. Wrong, dead wrong, Amy Grant. Unfortunately, for Grant and her followers, the authority of God’s word is never something we can compromise on, says the straight-shooter Franklin Graham. Scripture clearly declares the unnatural lifestyle as MORALLY WRONG, whether you and I accept that or agree with it. ONE OR THE OTHER!
Interestingly, Grant refers to Christians who believe in biblical truth and consequently do not accept homosexuality, as the:
In short, that professing Christians who believe as the Bible clearly declares that the unnatural lifestyle is morally wrong are little more than hard and fast religious people. They are, according to the GRANT GOSPEL, not loving, not welcoming, not inclusive, lacking in spiritual understanding: “VERY UNWELCOMING”.
Apostle Grant goes on to state:
“The journey of faith is just being willing and open to have a relationship with God. And everybody is welcome. EVERYBODY.”
That is correct. God the father of our Lord Jesus Christ does want relationship with EVERYONE, but:
Not on the terms and conditions of anyone else, including Amy Grant.
This misguided, once trusted, Christian singer goes on to explain her gospel and that of her husband, country music star, Vince Gill, as follows:
“It doesn’t matter how we behave.”
Really? Nothing could be further from the truth, nothing. If we enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ, and consequently we are accepted by God through Him, then it absolutely matters how we behave, how we live, how we treat others, and how we make every effort to understand the truths of THE HOLY BIBLE and the commandments, especially THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. It does matter, Amy Grant, it matters greatly how we behave. Hebrews 10:26:
‘For if we go on sinning deliberately, after receiving the knowledge of the truth (salvation), THERE NO LONGER REMAINS A SACRIFICE FOR SINS.”
Behavior and lifestyle matter, really matter after the salvation experience, more than ever.
Amy Grant can believe anything she wants, misinterpret scripture if she so chooses. BUT, she cannot do that and at the same time call herself:
No way.
It is amazing how so many corporations, large and small, non-profit entities, and sporting entities acknowledge and support the gay lifestyle. Recently, the Philadelphia Flyers hockey organization sponsored PRIDE NIGHT at one of their hockey games. Gay rainbow colors were on uniforms, hockey sticks and throughout the arena. That to me is a kind of discrimination, a statement by this organization which should be neutral in that regard, that the gay lifestyle is something special. They never think of having a special night for faithful married people, MAN AND WOMAN, and proclaim to all, in this case sports fans of Philadelphia that the Philadelphia Flyers clearly and fully endorse LGBTQ and the gay lifestyle. That is unfair, discriminatory and completely inappropriate which should be a neutral sports enterprise without regard to specialized lifestyles like LGBTQ.
One or the other. You can’t have it both ways, so says the scripture. You are bible believing, or you can believe any other way you wish. But be honest, be bold about your beliefs and tell the world you think:
And above all, do not dare, do not have the audacity to call yourself:
According to the scripture, the clear gospel message, Pauline explanations, and the clear qualification in Hebrews 10 regarding salvation and Christianity:

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