It’s shaping up to be a GREAT week on The Kim Monson Show and you won’t want to miss it!


Marine Colonels Bob Fischer and Grady Birdsong with Kim Monson of The Kim Monson Show

Marine Cols Bob Fischer & Grady Birdsong: On Sunday’s American Veteran’s Stories, Kim will rebroadcast an interview with Bob Fischer and Grady Birdsongabout their tremendous impact on the war in Vietnam and the sacrifices they and their fellow troops made.  It is important that we hear their stories and learn more about this time in American History. Col. Fischer and Grady share their thoughts about “their war” and how the United States became involved in Vietnam.


mike siemens executive director of protect the harvestMONDAY:

Kim will kick Monday off with an interview with Mike Siemens, Executive Director of Protect the Harvest, Mike will talk about coming regulations that will limit the supply of abundant food supplies to Coloradans’ and what we can do to counter the extremist legislation being proposed. “Our goal is to be the go-to advocacy voice for farmers, ranchers, property owners, consumers, and other stakeholders who are under attack by animal rights and environmental extremists, unelected regulators, politicians, social and mainstream media, and others who infringe upon the rights and freedoms of Americans,”


Susan Kochevar, owner of The 88 Drive-InEntrepreneur and owner of 88 Drive-In Susan Kochevar is BACK and ready for another great season of good wholesome family fun at the 88 Drive-In.  Susan will be in studio to talk about public/private business partnerships and why they are a fascist ideal.   Susan is a great force for good in Denver business and you’re guaranteed to learn something from her on Monday. 88 Drive-In will open for another season after some speculation that Susan was stepping away.  The family-owned theater has been operating since 1972!


Also on Monday, Colorado legislator Ty Winter will be on air Monday to talk about other Colorado Democrats attempting to silence dissent and shut down voices at the state house.


Center for American Values - YouTubeOn Tuesday Kim will be in Pinedale, WY with the Center for American Values team.  She will talk with Medal of Honor awardee Drew Dix, co-founder of the Center for American Values, as well as “Sparky” Turner and Liz Richard. They’ll discuss the CAV and what they’ve been working on to embolden the values that America has shared for a century.




Kevin Lundberg will bring us another legislative update, and Georgia talk show host Martha Zoller will be on the air to discuss the Trump “hush-money” trial and give her opinions on it.

Wednesday we’ll also hear Jeffco Republican board chair Nancy Pallozzi on air to talk about an upcoming event.  And of course, it’s also a Trent Loos Wednesday, 6th generation rancher and farmer Trent Loos will clue us all in on what’s going on around the realm of food supply, farming, and legislation.


On Thursday we’ll kick off with a fan favorite Lauren Fix, the Car Coach!  Lauren will talk all things electric vehicles, and she’ll talk about why President Biden is pushing them, despite the market collapsing and consumers clearly staying away from them.

Here’s one for Thursday that you WON’T want to miss: “The J6 Praying Grandmother”, Rebecca Levrenz will be on air to talk about her experiences.  The Praying Grandmother was actually arrested, charged and convicted for praying at the Capitol on January 6th, 2021. Lavrenz, a 71-year-old great-grandmother and owner of a bed-and-breakfast northeast of Colorado Springs, says she had no regrets about storming the Capitol and that she was on a God-driven mission.

“I felt I was there on assignment from God,” said Mrs Levrenz



Mailyn Salabarria, who grew up in Cuba and has a deep understanding of socialism and the effects that it will have on American society, is with the Dissident Project, a nonprofit speakers bureau connecting immigrants who fled tyrannical regimes with American high schoolers. For the last fifteen years, Mailyn has been a relentless advocate of individual natural rights, small government and not taking our freedom for granted. She is passionate about education and a staunch defender of parental rights. She will share her experiences in Socialism.

Doug Jennings will also be on air to talk about the new “regulation 28” coming to Colorado, and what it will mean for commercial real estate brokering and other effects of the rule.


You won’t want to miss a single day of The Kim Monson Show, and we hope you can make time to listen.  We’re LIVE on-air weekdays from 6-8AM Monday Through Friday on your KLZ 560AM, Where the L stands for LOCAL.