The Kim Monson Show Newsletter, 4.8.24

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Kim Monson has a great week of guests and hard-hitting interviews planned for you this week!

doolittle raidsSunday: America’s Veteran Stories is rebroadcasting an interview with Joanna Doolittle, Granddaughter of Jimmy Doolittle and the Doolittle Raids that happened in April during WWII.

Conceived in January 1942 in the wake of the devastating Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, the “joint Army-Navy bombing project” was to bomb Japanese industrial centers, to inflict both “material and psychological” damage upon the enemy. Planners hoped that the former would include the destruction of specific targets “with ensuing confusion and retardation of production.” Those who planned the attacks on the Japanese homeland hoped to induce the enemy to recall “combat equipment from other theaters for home defense,” and incite a “fear complex in Japan.” Additionally, it was hoped that the prosecution of the raid would improve the United States’ relationships with its allies and receive a “favorable reaction [on the part] of the American people.”


Dr. Brian Joondeph will talk about a paper he has written regarding the possible strategy to undercut trump with early resignations of republican congressmen

Reggie Rocko from IMA UNITER on KLZ will talk about some things he’s learned about human trafficking and how that ties into our wide-open border.  Border and interior enforcement, legal penalties, and the market for smugglers distinguish undocumented migration from legal migration and introduce a number of challenges for migrants, employers, law enforcement, and policymakers.


Kevin Lundberg


Kevin Lundberg, former State Senator and author of the Lundberg report will be on air to give us an update on what’s happening in the state house

Kim will be joined by Producer Joe and Producer Luke to continue their book review of Economics In One Lesson by Henry Haslett




Episode #5 Honey Rinicella


Kim will have a very interesting guest on to discuss Autism and related matters, podcaster Honey Rinicella will join by phone and teach us a little more about Autism and the audience that her popular podcast serves

And it wouldn’t be Wednesday without Trent Loos, 6th generation farmer and rancher, Kim and Trent will discuss food sources, and issues that will affect ranchers and farmers in Colorado and the United States of America’s food and fuel





Rob NatelsonThursday –

Rob Natelson will join Kim in studio to discuss what our Constitution means in regards to children born in the US to Illegal Immigrants, and the effects of those policies. Some claim being “born … in the United States” is sufficient to make one a citizen. They overlook that the amendment also requires that the child be “subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States. Others claim “subject to the jurisdiction” just means being in the country. But that reading makes the language repetitive. And the history of the 14th Amendment contradicts it.



Neephi Cole from the National Shooting Sports Foundation calls in to discuss firearm rights and other issues.

Pam Long will also be on to discuss her latest essays


It’s going to be a wonderful week of informative interviews, and you WON’T want to miss them!

The Kim Monson Show

Kim Monson can be heard Monday through Friday on the Kim Monson Show, 6-8 am, 1-2 pm and 10-11 pm on KLZ 560 AM. You can listen to the Kim Monson Show live, on Kim’s website, or subscribe to her podcast (iTunes, Spotify).

America’s Veteran’s Stories

America’s Veteran’s Stories shares the stories of America’s veterans through interviews and conversations with U.S. veterans from all branches and years of service. Shows are broadcast at 3-4 pm every Sunday on KLZ 560 AM and KLZ 100.7 FM. Past shows can also be found on the America’s Veteran’s Stories website.