On Air
SAT 9-10AM


📱Cybersecurity That WORKS 💻

Apathy is the number one cyber threat to small businesses. Don't become a statistic, call John today

Ethical Hacker

John Cannata, The Cyberguy, is an ethical hacker who keeps up with the industry trends so you don’t have to.  He tracks the latest tactics and techniques by digital bad guys, leaving you to worry about what you really need to: your clients and business operations. 

John prides himself on staying away from techno-jargon, which is what keeps a lot of people from reaching out to get assistance when their business has digital holes that can be exploited.  

No matter what business you’re in, you owe it to your bottom line to reach out to John for a no-obligation consultation, so he can help you understand the threats you may or may not even know exist.  In plain language for regular people. 

Many of the threats you read about involve vulnerable areas of software that, under the right conditions, could enable hackers to do something bad, and without John, you won’t know where those holes are until it’s too late. 

Let Cyberguy, John Cannata help you avoid costly and damaging digital mistakes with a free consultation by filling out the short form below!e


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