Veterans Donation Drive

2019 – The 2nd Annual KLZ Veterans Assistance Program Donation Drive. Drop off sites in Wheat Ridge, Fort Collins, AND Colorado Springs.

The Veterans Assistance Program supports homeless Veterans in their quest back into society by providing shelter, basic needs and resources.

Requested items*: Kitchen, laundry and bathroom items.


Requested Items: Kitchen, Laundry and Bathroom items
*Kitchen – paper goods, coffee/related, cleaning products (dish soap, trash bags, Clorox wipes, etc)
*Bathroom – body wash, shampoo/conditioner, tooth brush/paste, deodorant, razors/shaving cream, shampoo, toilet bowl cleaner
*Laundry – laundry soap, odor remover, bleach, dryer sheets

(A local school did a can food collection drive, so that has been taken care of)

The ACTS Resource Center, Inc, is a non-profit, “501c3” charity with an all-volunteer staff.
This resource center began feeding the homeless in 2003, opened a food bank in 2004 and in 2009 began the shelter/housing for homeless veterans.
